32 Unique Facts About Indonesia 
A. Pre-Independence "Pating greges" (malaise, fever), Bung Karno complained after his favorite physician awakened.
Then his blood flowed and downing pills chinineurethan intramusculair chinine bromine. Then he slept again.
At 09.00, woke Bung Karno. Dressed in white and meet her friend, Bung Hatta .
Exactly at 10.00, both Indonesia declared its independence from the porch of the house.
They then sang the national anthem while waving the flag of red and white heritage.
After a brief ceremony, the Bung Karno back to his bedroom. Still feverish. But a revolution has begun ...
2. Proclamation
Flagpole was made from bamboo stems are rough, and planted just a few minutes before the ceremony. But then, the fact that that happened at a ceremony sekaral is anticipated for more than three hundred years!
3. Natives First Minister
That means, they have become citizens or occupation of the Dutch East Indies and Japan, because the laws of the Republic of Indonesia does not yet exist at that time.
"The Indonesia native" became the first minister of the Ir Akbar Tanjung (born in Sibolga, North Sumatra, August 30, 1945), as Minister of Youth and Sports Development at the Cabinet of V (1988-1993).
4. The island of Borneo
In fact, most unique island in the world.
On the island, there are three heads of state who ruled! President Soeharto (4 ruled the province), Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad (Sabah and Sarawak) and Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah (Brunei).
Other unique info:
In 1956, the event was "almost by chance" is celebrated in a Hollywood hotel.
Bung Karno was invited legendary actress, Marilyn Monroe , for a dinner at the Beverly Hills Hotel, Hollywood. Present in between Gregory Peck, George Murphy and Ronald Reagan (25 years later became President of the United States).
What is unique from the party ahead of the Birthday of Pancasila, it is folly Marilyn in the protocol. At the party, not the Bung Karno Maryln greeted with "Mr President" or "Your Excellency", but with the "Prince Soekarno!"
5. First Film About Indonesia
Title speech August 17, 1964, "Year of Living Perilocoso" (Year of Full Danger), has been used as the title of a film The Year of Living Dangerously .
The film tells the pegalaman a foreign journalist in Indonesia in the 1960s.
In 1984, a movie starring Mel Gibson's got the Oscar for foreign film category!
6. Proclamation Original manuscript in the garbage
Oddly, the text is actually stored historically well by journalist BM Diah , a son from Aceh who also figures the press, freedom fighters, diplomats and Indonesian businessmen.
Diah found the draft of the proclamation in the trash at the house of Admiral Maeda, August 17, 1945 in the morning, after being copied and typed by Sajuti Melik.
On May 29, 1992, Diah submit the draft to President Soeharto, after saving for 46 years 9 months 19 days.
7. Sokarno first comment after the exile
When arriving at the Port of Palm Sunda noon July 9, 1942, President Sukarno issued a clumsy first comments heard. After undergoing exile and banishment by the Netherlands outside Java, would not discuss the Bung Karno strategic struggle against colonialism. Problem is she talking about, just about a coat!
"The piece jacket is great!" Bung Karno first comment about the double breast jacket worn by the former law Tjokroaminoto Anwar, who picked her up with a handful of Bung Hatta and nationalists.
8. The first president ever was bathed in urine
Flavor-it's in this world, only the founding father of Indonesia unwashed urine. When I got home from Dalat (Cipanasnya Saigon), Vietnam, August 13, 1945, with Soekarno Hatta, dr Radjiman Wedyodiningrat and dr Suharto (Sukarno's personal physician) motor bomber fighter plane ride double.
On the way, Soekarno wanted to urinate, but no place. Come, look for a solution to an unbearable desire it. See the tiny holes in the wall plane, that is where Bung Karno little off hunger. Because the wind was so strong, it bersemburlah urine and wet all the passengers. Byuuur ...
9. Documentation of the Proclamation of congratulations for a lie
When the Japanese army to seize the negative images that perpetuate such an important event, Frans Mendoer , a photographer who recorded the moments of the proclamation, lied to them.
She said it did not have a negative and has been submitted to the Barisan Pioneers , a movement of struggle. Hearing this response, the Japanese were outraged.
Though the film negative was planted under a tree in the courtyard of King Asia Daily office. After the Japanese left, the negative diafdruk and widely publicized to be enjoyed until now. How about being honest Mendoer in Japan?
10. Vice President lied to the country
Way to go to India was done in secret. Bung Hatta use the passport with the name "Abdullah, co-pilot".
Then he departed with the aircraft, piloted Biju Patnaik , an industrialist who later became Prime Minister in the Morarji Desai Cabinet.
Bung Hatta was treated very kindly by Nehru and invited to meet Mahatma Gandhi . Nehru was an old friend since the late 1920s Hatta and Hatta Gandhi knows the struggle.
After the meeting, Gandhi was told by Nehru that "Abdullah" is Mohammad Hatta. What is the reaction of Gandhi? He was furious to Nehru, for not being told the truth. "You are a liar!" Said the charismatic leader was to Nehru.
11. Merdeka on August 17 and triggers the death of Indonesian and lyrics Kebangasaan
On that date, the creator of the national anthem "Indonesia Raya", WR Soepratman (d. 1937) and the founder of the Indonesian language, Herman van der Tuuk Neubronner (d. 1894) had died.
12. Flag and the date of Independence
The style flag with a flag pattern Principality of Monaco and its independence day with the day of the proclamation of the Republic of Gabon (a country in West Africa) is an independent August 17, 1960.
13, No street name proclaimed until 1985
Until now, no "Soekarno-Hatta Road" in the capital Jakarta.
In fact, their name was never memorialized for an object of any public facility building until 1985.
The new name they bear the name of the airport after 40 years of independent Indonesia, Sukarno-Hatta airport . Even worse, the new government officially pinned the title "proclaimer" to them in 1986, or 16 years after Sukarno's death.
14. Proclaimers title after 41 years
But the degree Proclaimers to Bung Karno and Bung Hatta, is the title given orally to him the people of Indonesia for 41 years!
Therefore, the new 1986 new Permerintah give the title Hero of Indonesia officially proclaimed to them.
15. Proclaimers almost more than two people
If only proposal received Bung Hatta, Indonesia would have "more than two" proclaimer. Time after the concept of the Declaration of Independence Indonesia completed manuscript compiled in the house of Admiral Maeda, Jl Imam Bonjol No. 1, Jakarta.
Bung Hatta propose all present at the meeting that day din signed proclamation to be read in the morning. But the proposal was rejected by Soekarni , a young man who attended.
The meeting was attended by Sukarno, Hatta and proclaimer of candidates who fail: Achmad Soebardjo , Soekarni and Sajuti Melik.
"Huh, given the chance to make history will not," grumbled Bung Hatta because his proposal was rejected.
16. The first minister in the Dutch fire
An end of the revolver, put in his mouth and blown up brutally by a Dutch soldier. Got a bullet through his left temple.
The incident occurred on February 24, 1949 morning at a place in Nganjuk regency, East Java. At that time, and his aide were in the shower Soepeno disebuah waterfall shower.
17. The capital moved 3 times in just 4 years
Between 1945 and 1948, Indonesia has three capital cities, namely Jakarta (1945-1946), Yogyakarta (1946-1948) and New York City (1948-1949).
18. Warlord has no position
He never became Army Chief of Staff, Commander, even though the defense minister!
Imagine, in 1938-1939, the Government of the Netherlands Indies by De Javasche Bank (now Bank Indonesia ) published a series of paper money puppet people and in 1942, Japan defeated the Dutch East Indies collapsed.
In 1943, the Government of Occupied Japan
In 1964, President Sukarno issued a new banknote series with a broken puppet Rp 1 and Rp 2.5 and 1965 to the beginning of his administration following the collapse of G30S/PKI .
19. The first command after shaking the president: call a satay
That was done on the way home, after being elected by acclamation as president. Incidentally on the road met a shirtless handyman and nyeker satay (not barefoot).
"Satay chicken skewers fifty!", The order of President Sukarno.
Voraciously eaten kebabs near a dirty ditch.
And that, the first command to his people as well as the first party on his appointment as leader of 70 million more people than a large country as young as one day.
20. Bomb, a gift from the Netherlands to Sukarno
But the Dutch had given the memories that will never be forgotten by Bung Karno.
Six days before Christmas 1948, the Dutch gave a Christmas present on Sunday morning, when people want to go to church, a bomb that destroyed the roof of his kitchen. That day, December 19, 1948, the capital city of Yogyakarta fell into the hands of the Netherlands.
21. Prime Minister died outside the country to be a National Hero
When he died in 1966 in Zurich, Switzerland, its status as political prisoners.
But the time was buried in Jakarta a few days later, its status changes as a National Hero Indonesia .
22. Indonesia entered the World Cup on behalf of the Dutch East Indies
Only once appeared in 1938, it was not carrying the flag of Indonesia, but the Dutch East Indies.
Although Indonesia has a population of at most the fourth in the world and Brazil in the rank-5, but the football achievements the two countries differ greatly.
23. Indonesia entered a record of forest damage
Indonesia forest which covers 138 million acres is the place to live for 11% of the world's plant species, 10% of the world's mammal species and 16% of the world's bird species.
However, the Guinness World Records in 2008 pinned record in Indonesia as the country's fastest rate of forest destruction in the world, which lost 1.8 million hectares of forest every year.
24. Island countries, but the land boundary with 4 Countries
With 17,508 islands, Indonesia is the world's largest archipelagic state. This is where three of the six largest islands in the world are: Borneo , Sumatra , and Papua .
But do not be surprised that almost 60% of the population lives in Java , but the extent of only 7% of all parts of Indonesia. Uniquely, there are four islands whose sovereignty dominated the government, together with neighboring countries.
Borneo island is administratively controlled by the three governments, namely Indonesia , Malaysia , and Brunei Darussalam . Controlled by Indonesia and New Guinea Papua New Guinea . Indonesia and Timor-controlled island of Timor Leste , and the last island of Indonesia and Malaysia held Sebatik.
25. The mention of the numbers in the letter Indonesian
The mention of the numbers 1-9 in Indonesian letters contain a mystery. If we add the two numbers the same letter prefix, then the result is always ten.
Beginning with S -> A + Nine = Ten
Beginning with D -> Two + Eight = Ten
Beginning with T -> Three + Seven = Ten
Beginning with E -> Four + Six = Ten
Even Five + Five = Ten
26. Latah become a trend
Latah is a neurological disease whose symptoms appear when dikageti, or rather unconsciously repeating the words or the movement of others.
Besides Indonesia, the disease is only found in the Ainu in Japan, the deserts of the Gobi , and an interest in France.
In Indonesia alone, the disease was initially found only in the tribes on the island of Java, Sumatra, and Borneo. But unique, over time talkative in Indonesia is considered cool and be a trend, especially among celebrities. Most of the celebrities use fame talkative as capital or as a typical entertainer.
27. State smile
Based on the survey The Smiling Report 2009, Indonesia is the most expensive country in the world smile. Indonesia, together with Hong Kong, was also crowned as the best country in the salutation.
However this is not followed by proper management of the tourism industry was. The bad bureaucracy and the high level of corruption is also very scary for investors to do business in the country ready smile.
28. Capital of the world's largest shopping center
In this city stands 130 shopping centers, the highest among other major cities around the world.
Many areas in Jakarta that had been planned for residential, conservation, water catchment, but even converted into a shopping center.
29. The only country that ever came out and went back to the United Nations
First joined in 1950 as a member of the 60 United Nations, then Indonesia draw its membership in 1965.
Sukarno, Indonesia's current president was very angry with the decision of the United Nations recognizes the sovereignty of Malaysia and make Malaysia a non-permanent UN Security Council . And then Soekarno established Conefo (Conference of States on New Force), as opposed to the United Nations.
Before exiting from the United Nations, Soekarno had delivered a fiery speech to the UN General Assembly that it request that the world body's headquarters moved to the outside of the United States.
Not just any speech that managed to get applause many times, but also successfully organized Soekarno Ganefo (Olympic rival, Conefo version) followed 2250 athletes from 48 countries in Asia, Africa, Europe and South America, and covered about 500 foreign journalists. That moment was the last time Indonesia has superpower and leader of one of the most respected country in the world.
30. Has many unique animals in the world
Ancient animals living in Indonesia are the Komodo dragon , the largest lizard in the world with a weight of 90kg and a length of 3 meters.
There is also the smallest fish in the world of mosquitoes are found in Sumatra. Sulawesi is still alive in the world's smallest primates like monkeys the Pygmy Tarsier (Tarsius pumilus) or also known as the Mountain Tarsier only 10 cm in length. On the same island also discovered the world's longest snake along 10 meters of the Flower pythons (Python Reticulates).
31. Ethnic groups and languages of the world's largest regional
With more than 740 tribes / ethnic groups, therefore it is not surprising that Indonesia is also a country with the largest regional languages, namely 583 languages and dialects.
Aware that the great potential of inter-ethnic clashes occur, the founders of this Republic agreed on the motto " Unity in Diversity "(which means" Different but still one too ").
32. Mysticism and prophecy Indonesia
One of them carrying the name of King Jayabaya , who ruled the Kingdom of Karachi 's circa 400 AD.
Of the many predictions Jayabaya , a very famous is the prediction of who will lead the Indonesian people (read: President of Indonesia).
- Wearing a black skullcap (kethu Bengi)
- Had no father (fatherless)
- His voice boomed
- Charismatic
- All-glorious title (Leader of the Revolution and Supreme Commander of Armed Forces)
- Resistant to a variety of weapons (often escaped the assassination attempt)
- Have a weakness easily seduced beautiful women
- Are powerless against the little kids around his house (as in the demo Soekarno pullback students and students)
- Often cursed foreigners (against imperialism)
- Supported by " Kartika Eka Paksi "(This symbol is used ABRI )
- Wearing a green helmet or cap lumuten Kwali (military)
- Rich
- A world leader (Soeharto initiated the forming of ASEAN , which is said according to history, ASEAN is the unity of the kingdom of Majapahit )
- Replaced by "King of the land opposite" (Soeharto was replaced by BJ. Habibie derived from Nusa Srenggi, Sulawesi)
- Hold Satriya Piningit
- Have not had a father-mother
- Have passed the Java Vedas
- Armed with Trident
Because of previous predictions in the form of allegory, we did not understand who is meant by Satriya Piningit.
And it was also proved by the three periods of the reign of president of Indonesia, namely: Soekarno NO, TO Soeharto, Bambang Susilo Yudhoyo NO .
What about BJ Habibie, Megawati and Abdurrahman Wahid or Gus Dur? Three President was not calculated because no rule for one full reign.
It was said that a president who will make Indonesia prosperous and prosperous, and respected the world seen a president with the final letter "GO".
Who is he?
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