Adolf Hitler to Islam and the Dead in Indonesia
How is the actual end of Hitler's adventure? Is it true that Hitler and his wife Eva Braun commit suicide after drinking cyanide poisoning?
So how did the autopsy the Americans when Hitler's skull exhibited in the year 2000, which was the skull of a woman? Where the actual existence of Hitler after the fall of Berlin in the hands of an ally?
Some Version About His death
The most popular version says that Hitler committed suicide by shooting himself and drank the poison cyanide on 30 April 1945, when Germany occupied by the Soviet Union.
Although some historians doubt Hitler shot himself, and guessed it was Nazi propaganda to make Hitler as a hero.
However, the hole in the skull fragment that appears to strengthen the case when the skull is on display in Moscow in 2000. How and when Hitler died today remains shrouded in mystery.
Can be found an explanation of the cause and when Hitler died of multiple versions. There's death the German version, Russian version, and versions of the researchers or scientists.
German version, as told by Flegel, a nurse Hitler and other Nazi bigwigs while in the bunker.
Russian version, which is expressed by a high-ranking Russian secret service, KGB, who claimed that Adolf Hitler did not end his life by shooting himself, but by drinking cyanide poisoning.
As stated by Lieutenant General Vasily Khristoforov, archives staff for Russia's FSB security service, "Soviet military Paramedia when it has ensured that Hitler and Eva Braun died from cyanide poisoning after a minimum of 30 April 1945."
Version of the scientists, the latter is a common opinion in this case represented by the scientists. Has long been true of scientists and historians claim that the piece of skull that had been taken outside Hitler's bunker by the Russians and Soviet intelligence had been saved that would be convincing evidence that the shot himself to death after drinking a cyanide pill on 30 April 1945.
"It looks very thin bones, skull bones of men tend to be stronger. And the junction where the skull plates fused in touch with someone who looks younger than 40 years. Hitler in April 1945 aged 56 years. "
With the DNA test results, it means the history of Hitler's death became a mystery again, and conspiracy theorists have to rethink the possibilities of others about the death of Hitler, like Hitler might not die in the bunker.
Brief of Adolf Hitler
About childhood, adolescence, up to when he was a dictator, Hitler was a small child who was rejected, hated his father and mengenggap behavior "antisocial" as a curse.
His father was a hard to educate a child, being mother (Klara) is very good to him. Childhood is suffused with hatred of his father that gave a big hand in the formation of Hitler's mental and psychological adulthood.
When life is difficult, World War 1 broke out. Without hesitation Hitler enroll in the army with the rank of corporal, served on the battlefield in the front row. Disappointed with the defeat of Germany in World War 1, and see the country and its people are suffering and starving, Hitler entered into the Labour Party member who later became the NSDAP (Deutsche Arbeiter Partei National Socialistische).
In 1920, Hitler became head of the Propaganda, Hitler is here seen the talent in the field of speech and agitation.
One year later, 1921, Hitler eventually became chairman of the party.
Finally in 1962 Hitler get the absolute authority of the party.
And Hitler was a great orator "lion podium", an orator who could hypnotize a mass audience.
Hitler was a powerful politician and managed to build a successful imaging through propaganda. He successfully built up a successful brute force through propaganda.
He successfully built up into a powerful force to be feared. He also managed to build an opinion as fuses or leaders who are trustworthy people, bring people to the height of glory.
Evidence of Hitler in Indonesia
Hitler how to get to Indonesia? could be a citizen? How he worked as a doctor at General Hospital Sumbawa Besar? and up to Hitler's meeting with a woman who eventually became his wife sunda?
Also on the testimony of Dr. Sosro Husodo when meeting with Hitler when in Sumbawa Besar. And all are equipped with supporting documents and photographs are accurate.
Hitler is known to be very violent in the 20th century, was hiding in Indonesia since 1954 until 1970, which then wafted by the Allies (U.S., USSR, Britain and France) are further investigated by the Government of Israel continued to pursue the figures Nazi.
In 1954 Adolf Hitler's entry into Indonesia by using a false name, Dr. Poch.
At first Dr. Poch living in Dompu then moved to Bima, then moved to Sumbawa Besar district, then worked as a doctor at General Hospital Sumbawa Besar regency.
The entire population of the island of Sumbawa familiar with these doctors, who were called by the nickname "German doctor".
One legacy of Adolf Hitler died on January 15, 1970 in Surabaya, which is a small brown notebook size 9 × 16 cm by 44 cm thick.
In the book written dozens address book of friends and colleagues similar Hitler, like the one in the history of Europe. Similarly, he made handwritten dibuku-book is identical and similar to Hitler's handwriting.
This book has great significance, because it is one of the authentic evidence which states that "Dr. Poch" are the god-Nazi, Adolf Hitler.
Then Hitler meets a girl named Sulaesih being menggembara to Sumbawa Besar, who eventually proposed by Hitler.
Not long after Dr. Poch apply Sulaesih, he embraced Islam in 1964, attended by Chairman of the Office of Religious Affairs in Sumbawa, (but unfortunately Sulaesih forgot his name) and changed his name to Abdul Kohar. In 1965 Hitler was married.
Aries Zulkarnaen, one witnesses the presence of Dr. Poch in 2010 and said the doctor had two contrasting personalities, hot-tempered but often joke with people.
"He was angry, many with their mouths prescribe [drug name], but if anyone asked, he said, I've already told you," said Aries.
Poch also be angry if his patients call disease they suffered. "Are you a doctor?," Said Aries, which is often mimicked snapping Poch said.
Aries added, Poch he knew too humorous. "Not afraid to joke with people," he said.
The most prominent of Poch, said Aries, is the way he drove the Jeep hood opening.
"The streets of Sumbawa had not been good, but he was driving with one finger. Incredible, "said Aries. "It's the signs of his former soldiers," said Aries.
Although I never thought that Poch was Hitler, Aries claimed he expected the former Nazi soldiers.
"He's very energetic, very visible army. Residents when it was thought he was a former Nazi soldier, "he explained.
Previously, the Daily Mind in 1983 contained an article about Hitler. The author named dr Sosrohusodo, doctors graduated from University of Indonesia who had served in the ship which is used as a hospital named 'Hope' in Sumbawa Besar.
Dr Sosrohusodo recounts meeting with an old German doctor named Poch on the island of Sumbawa Besar in 1960. Poch was a leader of the largest hospital on the island. The man suspected of Hitler.
The evidence presented Sosrohusodo, is that doctors are unable to walk normally. She was always dragging his left leg when walking.
Then his hand, said Sosrohusodo, the German doctor's left hand is always vibrating. He also had a mustache like Charlie Chaplin vertical, and his head bald.
This condition is believed to be similar to the picture of Hitler in his old age, which is found in a number of biographies of the Fuhrer. When I met him in 1960, the alleged 71-year-old Hitler.
According Sosrohusodo, a German doctor she had met a very mysterious. He had no license to be a doctor, even he had no expertise on health.
Sosro claimed to have examined the left hand Poch is always vibrating. When asked when these symptoms begin to occur, Poch and then asked his wife who then replied, "This happens when the German defeat in the battle near Moscow. At that Goebbels told you that you beat up the table again and again. "
Goebbels called the wife of Joseph Goebbe Poch is suspected, a well known German propaganda minister loyal to Hitler.
Sosro said, Poch's wife, Eva Braun allegedly, several times calling him 'Dolf', which supposedly stands for Adolf Hitler.
Hitler Dead in Indonesia
Hitler confession to his wife who came from Indonesia, Sulaesih, that he is indeed the real Hitler, Der Fuhrer. What are the activities of Hitler before he died?.
There are Stanlin statement, that the dead in Hitler's bunker in Germany is not the original. And at the end tells how the dictator was finally passed away in Indonesia.
During this time of Hitler's death was very mysterious, because there are no witnesses who can show you where the bodies or the bodies of Hitler, Eva Braun, his last wife at the time in Europe.
At the Potsdam Conference in 1945, Stanlin stated that the bodies of Hitler and Eva Braun was not found. Stanlin suspect, the god of this Nazi escaped and fled to Spain or Latin America.
And before long there is news that says Hitler escaped via submarine to an island. But no one knows what and where the island.
The international community did not realize that the Nazi leader was hiding cruel yangn safely in Sumbawa Besar, until his death in Surabaya and was buried at the Muslim cemetery in Ngagel.
Death of the German dictator, Adolf Hitler is believed to have died of suicide in a bunker, on 30 April 1945 in Berlin, it is still questionable, and a mystery.
Indocropcircles - At the end of March 2012 and tried to prove to the search for the tomb and did in fact exist.
At the time approached the tomb, the fence around it filled with a
clothesline, then there is a grandmother who removed the
Today, the cemetery is cared for by a grandmother who guard and forward
from the grandmother's husband who had previously been treating the
tomb for decades, are now deceased.
The grandmother is now replaced and he told me that the tomb was a
German and a lot of people started coming from inside and outside the
country. The grandmother was asked, "Is this tomb will be moved?" I replied, "No grandma, no one is going to move this tomb." The grandmother smiled. (
It is not possible Hitler died in Indonesia. Because Indonesia is considered a safe place, for Hitler. Please anyone to find the real answer. (Ir KGPH Soeryo Goeritno, MSc., Author)
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Book Title: Hitler Dead in Indonesia
Categories: General / People / History
Size: 14 x 21 cm
Author: Ir. KGPH Soeryo Goeritno, MSc
ISBN: 978-602-97263-0-5
Book Contents: vi + 122 pages
Publisher: Point Media Publisher
Categories: General / People / History
Size: 14 x 21 cm
Author: Ir. KGPH Soeryo Goeritno, MSc
ISBN: 978-602-97263-0-5
Book Contents: vi + 122 pages
Publisher: Point Media Publisher
This book will answer some unanswered questions, like: Why did Hitler fled to Indonesia? Why did Hitler finally became Muslim? What Hitler relationship, Indonesia and the Jews? Any who do Hitler in Indonesia? What about Hitler's relations with Sukarno? Where Hitler's grave in Indonesia? How Hitler could be in Indonesia? What did Germany, Russia, Britain and Israel? Anyone who knew Hitler in Indonesia? How Hitler hid his identity?
"The book will be shocking the world" (H.Oetoyo Oesman, SH-Former Minister of Justice).
"I read Goosebumps" (Drs. JB Soedarmanto Kadarisman-Former Ambassador to Argentina and the Netherlands).
This article is for information only and not the promotion of a book
Some results of Adolf Hitler's War Machine Technology
Messerschmitt Me 262 Schwalbe. Is the first jet aircraft turbines in the world. Me 262 spent during World War II and began fighting in 1944 as an aircraft fighter / bomber / reconnaissance and interceptor. German pilots gave the nickname "Sturmvogel" (Stormbird), while the Allies called it the name "Turbo" or "Blow Job".
Me 262 was rumored to have destroyed 509 aircraft owned by the Allies
(although some say higher), the German side was rumored to have lost 100
Me 262.
Technology in the form of a plate-like UFO can fly which has been created by German Nazis during World War II. The document was discovered by police on Austria when Viktor Schauberger died. And now it seems the technology is being developed in America "Area 51".
"Flying Wing" Horten 229 (Ho 229) Bomber Aircraft Radar Anti Nazi German-made, made in 1944. This technology is now imitated USA, B-2 Spirit Stealth.
Designed by Reimar and Walter Horten and built by Gothaer Waggonfabrik
It was the first pure flying wing powered by a jet engine.
It was the first aircraft designed to incorporate what we now know as
stealth technology although it is doubtful the Germans or designers Knew
anything about 'Stealth Technology' at the time.
konnte all die Juden in dieser Welt zu zerstören, aber ich ein wenig
Lasse drehte-on, so können herausfinden Sie, ich sie warum getötet" (Adolf Hitler)
saja saya musnahkan semua Yahudi di dunia ini, tapi saya sisakan
sedikit yang hidup, agar kamu nantinya dapat mengetahui mengapa saya
membunuh mereka” (Adolf Hitler)
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