[Gallery] History of Freemasonry in Indonesia: Beware! Freemasons in Indonesia could rise back ..!
Freemasonry (English) or Vrijmetselarij (Dutch) is an international fraternal organization. Freemasonry in the modern era began with the founding of Grand Lodge in London, England in 1717.
Some researchers believe that the West Freemasonry has actually been established in Scotland in the 14th century, when the Knights Templar was crushed by French King Philippe le Bel and Pope Clement V.
Freemasons Soekarno Era
In the years 1945-1950s, lodges, lodges of Freemasonry by the native Indonesia also called the "House of the Devil" ritual caused the Freemasons always invoking the dead.
Soekarno, the first President of Indonesia
In front of Soekarno, Freemasonry figures are evasive and said that if the term "Satan" probably comes from the native pronunciation of "Sin jan" (Saint Jean), which is one of the holy figures kaym Freemasonry. While they dodged, but Sukarno did not believe it.
Finally, in February 1961, through the State Gazette number 18/1961, President Sukarno dissolved and banned the existence of Freemasonry in Indonesia.
Statute was later confirmed by Presidential Decree No. 264 of 1962 is dismissed and banned Freemasonry and all "derivatives" such as his Rosicrucian, Moral Re-Armament, Lions Club, Rotary blub, and Baha'ism. Since then, lodges, lodges were confiscated by the state.
Gus Dur
But 38 years later when President Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur) was elected the third president of Indonesia, he revoked Decree number 264/1962 by issuing Presidential Decree number 69 of 2000 dated May 23, 2000.
Since then, the presence of Jewish groups like the Organization of the Democratic League, Rotary Club, Divine Life Society, Vrijmetselaren-Loge (Loge Great Indonesia) or the Indonesia Freemasonry, Moral Rearmament Movement, Organization Of Ancient Mystical Crucians Rosi (AMORC) and Baha'i organizations becomes the official and legal back in Indonesia.
It is ironic, Presidential Decree No. 69/2000 issued by Gus Dur is still valid and has not revoked it.
NUMBER 69 OF 2000
that the formation of social and religious organization is basically the rights of every citizen of Indonesia; that the prohibition of organizations referred to in Presidential Decree No. 264 of 1962, was deemed no longer compatible with democratic principles; despite the fact that Presidential Decree No. 264 of 1962 is no longer effective, but to give more legal certainty to explicitly revoke the Presidential Decree; Based on the considerations as meant letters a, b, and c above, it is necessary to revoke Presidential Decree No. 264 of 1962;
Article 4 paragraph (1) of the Constitution of 1945; Law Number 39 Year 1999 on Human Rights (State Gazette Year 1999 Number 165, Supplement Number 3886);
Article 1
Repeal of Presidential Decree No. 264 of 1962 on Prohibition The Democratic League Organization, Rotary Club, Divine Life Society, Vrijmetselaren-Loge (Loge Great Indonesia), Moral Rearmament Movement, Organization Of Ancient Mystical Crucians Rosi (AMORC) and the Organization of Baha'is.
Article 2
Stipulated in JakartaThis Presidential Decree becomes effective on the date specified.
on May 23, 2000
Vatican Church has long forbidden its members to become members of these organizations and states if there is an incoming member of the Vatican to be a member then he is deemed to have come out of the Christianity.
Various Papal Condemnation issued for this, one of which Humanum Genus Pope Leo XIII issued in 1884.
Initial establishment of the Freemasons
In the year 1717 BC, it hold the secret movement seminar in London under the leadership of Anderson.
He formally served as the head of the Protestant church, but in essence is a Jew.
In this seminar the secret movement under the name of Freemasonry as a new name.
As the founder is Adam Wishaupt, a prominent Jew of London, which later received support from Albert Pike, an American general (1809-1891). This organizational structure is very difficult to trace because of a secret, organized, and neat.
The purpose of Freemasonry movement in general are:
A. Delete all religions.
2. Removing the family system.
3. Kacirkan Mengkocar-world political system.
4. Always working to destroy human prosperity and ruin our political, economic, and social states of non-Jews or Goyim (the name of any other nation outside of Judaism).
The final goal of Freemasonry is to restore the Temple of Solomon building located in Al-Aqsa Mosque, in the town of Al-Quds (Jerusalem), flying the flag of Israel, and established the International Zionist rule, as applied in the Protocols of the Zionist scholars.
A Brief History of the Freemasons

Freemasonry is a language made up of two words, and Mason Free. Free means free and mason means builder. Freemasonry thus etymologically means "builders are free".
In essence, Freemasonry or Al-Masuniyyah (in Arabic) is an international Jewish organization underground which has nothing to do with builders who are in the Middle Ages.
Freemasonry above also has nothing to do with the ship or cathedral-building activities such as a lot of thought by some people. But Freemasonry intent here is not bound by any party ties except fellow freemason.
Freemasonry came from a secret movement created by nine of the Jews in Palestine in the year 37 AD, which is intended as an attempt to counter the Christian adherents (Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism and all religions except Jews), by the murder of the per-person.
According to the book 'The fog-mist Freemasonry', one of the founders are known as Herod Agrida I (died 44 AD). He was assisted by two Jews, and Moab Leomi Heram Abioud. Freemasonry further established itself as an enemy of the Christian religion and Islam.
In the year 1717 AD the secret of this movement hold a seminar in London under the leadership of Anderson. He formally served as the head of the Protestant church, but in essence is a Jew.
In this seminar the secret movement under the name of Freemasonry as a new name. As the founder is Adam Wishaupt, a prominent Jew of London, which later received support from Albert Pike, an American general (1809-1891).
The protocol book contains steps that have been set by the hakkom, record conversations conducted in each of their meetings, and contains 24 sections (verse) that includes a plan of political, economic, and financial, with the aim of destroying every nation and non-governmental Jews, as well as preparing the way for the mastery of the Jewish people against the international community.
In its motion, Freemasonry uses the hands of intellectuals and wealthy goyim , but under Jewish control options. The results of this movement was sparked among the three world wars, three revolutions (the French Revolution, American Revolution and the Industrial Revolution in England), gave birth to the three main movements (Zionism, Communism, and Nazism).
Freemasonry is divided into three levels:
A. House of Commons or Symbolic Freemasonry
2. Secondary Assembly Fremansory
3. Fremansory House of Lords.
The acceptance of membership, Freemasonry does not question the religion of the prospective members. Even the candidates are sworn in accordance with their religion. In the promotion model of Freemasonry held up to-33 level for the people of the GOYIM . People who successfully captured and then given the task to spread the Freemasonry and working to realize its objectives.
Unless, medium and high recruitment of members of this group is a closed, exclusive and highly confidential. Its members come from professional backgrounds, religions, beliefs, and different nationalities.
Indonesia Freemasonry in History Books
But despite hundreds of years of operation in the archipelago, the existence of the Freemasons (Dutch: Vrijmetselaarij), almost written in history books.
In fact, much of the literature are sufficient to be a reference to the writing of the history of the movement of a group of Jews in occupied territories of the former Dutch East Indies.
Among these are: Vrijmet selaarij: Geschiedenis, Maats chapelijke Beteekenis en Doel (Freemasons: History, Society and Meaning for the purpose), written by Dr. Dirk de Visser Smith in 1931,
Geschiedenis der Vrymet selary in de Oostelijke en Zuidelijke Deelen (History of Freemasonry in the Eastern and Southern Earth) written by J Hagemen JCz in 1886,
Geschiedenis van der Vrijmetselaren In Nederland Order Onderhoorige Kolonien en Londen (History of the Order of Freemasons in the Netherlands at the Bottom of Colonialism) by H Maarschalk in 1872.
Gedenkboek Vrijmet van de Nederlandsche Oost Indie selaaren In 1767-1917 (Book of reminiscences of Freemasons in the Dutch East Indies from 1767 to 1917), which was officially published in 1917 by three large lodges.
Loge de ster in het Oosten (Batavia), Loge La Constante et Fidele (Semarang), and Loge de Vriendschap (Surabaya).
In addition to the literature of the centuries-old, in 1994, a book called Vrijmetselarij en samenleving in Nederlands-Indie en Indonesie 1764 to 1962 (Freemasonry and Society in the Dutch East Indies and Indonesia from 1764 to 1962) was written by Dr. Th Stevens, a researcher is also a member of the Freemasons.
Unlike the books on Freemasonry in the Netherlands Indies earlier, the book by Dr. Th Stevens has been translated into Indonesian in 2004.
The books reveal about the history of Freemasonry in Indonesia since the network of the colonial period, as of the date can still be found in the National Library of Indonesia. In fact, Indisch Macconiek Tijdschrift (Freemasons Magazine Indies), a Freemason's official magazine, published in Dutch East Indies Semarang in 1895 until the early 1940's, also are kept in the national library.
In addition to the work of Stevens and H Maarschalk published in the Netherlands, other books like the above, published in Semarang and Surabaya, two areas in the past be the basis of Freemasonry in the Netherlands Indies, other than Batavia.
Existence of networks in Indonesia such as the Freemasons are written in the book Memories Freemasons in the Netherlands Indies 1767-1917 is 150 years or 199 years, counted from the first entry of the network Freemason in Batavia in 1762 until disbanded in 1961 Sukarno government.
During the period of the Freemasons have a strong influence in this country. Memories book Freemasonry in the Netherlands Indies 1767-1917, for example, contains a complete operational, the characters, photo documentation, and the activities of lodges that are directly under the supervision of Freemasonry in the Netherlands. 700-page book written by a team of Freemason History Committee is irrefutable evidence of the existence of their network throughout the archipelago.
Involvement of indigenous elites, among the leaders and the elite palace Boedi Oetomo in the Duchy Pakualaman, Yogyakarta, was recorded in this keepsake book. Radjiman Wediodiningrat, who had served as head of Boedi Oetomo, is the only indigenous character of the article that was published in the memoirs of a handle member of the Freemasons throughout the Dutch East Indies.
Radjiman who came on as a member of the Freemasons in 1913, wrote an article called "Een Broderketen der Volken" (Brotherhood of the People). Radjiman proceedings have led the effort Investigation Agency Preparation of Indonesian Independence (BPUPKI). Besides Radjiman, figures Boedi Oetomo other a member of the Freemasons can be seen in a paper titled The Freemasons in Boedi Oetomo written by CG van Wering.
Proximity Boedi Oetomo in the early days of Freemasonry can be seen in a year after the founding of the organization. Is Dirk van Hinloopen Labberton, on January 16, 1909 held a public speech (openbare) in the Loge de Sterinhet Oosten (Loji Bin - Eastern tang) Batavia. In a meeting at the lodges, Labberton lecture titled, "Theosofische in meth Boedi Oetomo Verband" (Theosofi in Relation to Boedi Oetomo).
Theosofi Freemason is part of a network engaged in psychotherapy. Theosofi activists in the past, activists are also Freemasons. Theosofi ideals in line with the Freemasons. What is the mission of the Freemasons? In the book Free Masons and the Order of the Indian community in the Netherlands and Indonesia 1764-1962, by Dr. Th Steven described the mission of the organization that has a Star of David symbol is: "Every human being the task of Free Masons, wherever he is and works, to promote all things which unite and remove the separation between people. "
Thus, the mission of Freemasonry is a "clear dividing line between man!". One of which is considered as separator between people is a 'religion'. So, do not be surprised if many people cried aloud: "all religions are equal". Or, "all religions are true, because the roads are equally valid for that one to God."
Freemasonry is a developed understanding of secular humanism. Motto: liberty, egality, fraternity. Since the beginning of the 18th century, Freemasonry has penetrated into many of the world. In the U.S., for example, since its inception in 1733, Freemasonry soon spread to the country, so people like George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Hancock, Benjamin Franklin is a member.
Freemasonry is the principle of 'Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity'. (See, A New Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, (New York: Wing Books, 1996). Harun Yahya, in his book, Knights Templar-kstaria Ancestor Freemasonry (trans), reveal the Freemasons in an attempt to displace the Ottoman Islamic humanism .
In a letter to a high-ranking Ottoman Empire, Mustafa Pasha Rasid, August Comte wrote, "Once the Ottoman replace their faith in God with humanism, then the above objectives will be achieved quickly." Comte, known as the founder of positivism flow n also urged Muslims to be replaced with positivism. Thus, it is closely related to the development of liberalization, secularization, and the mission of the Freemasons. (Republika / icc.wp.com)
Some Members of the World Famous Fremason:
* Enrico Fermi
* Johann von Goethe
* Voltaire
* Duke Ellington
* Rudyard Kipling
* Louis Armstrong
* Winston Churchill
* Giuseppe Garibaldi
* Charles Lindbergh
Some of the President of the United States members of Freemasonry:
o George Washington
o James Monroe
o Andrew Jackson
o Martin Van Buren
o James Polk
o James Buchanan
o Abraham Lincoln
o Andrew Johnson
o James Garfield
o William McKinley
o Theodore Roosevelt
o William Taft
o Warren Harding
o Franklin D. Roosevelt
o Harry Truman
o Lyndon Johnson
o Gerald Ford.
Some of Loji-Loji which was built in Indonesia:
MATARAM lodges (Yogyakarta)
Commissioner-General (Pol.) Raden Said Soekanto Tjokrodiatmodjo (born
in Bogor, West Java, June 7, 1908 - died in Jakarta, August 24, 1993 at
age 85 years) is Head of the Indonesian National Police (Chief of
Police; first named Chief Djawatan State Police) The first, held from 29
September 1945 to December 14, 1959. In 1952 a member of Indonesia Purwo Daksia lodges. He served as Chief of Police Affairs. Soekanto a temperature of eastern Indonesia's Supreme Court or the National Federation of Mason. He also served as chairman of Raden Saleh Foundation which is a continuation of the Carpentier Alting stiching.
And after Gus Dur revoke Presidential Decree made president Soekarno, the flow has a great opportunity to come back in Indonesia.
Maybe in the past, their participation in this group just to find a bite of rice, or looking for "safe" or can also be simply because of political problems.
But in the current era of freedom of information as it is now, the secrets of planning begin to rot from the group uncovered.
And now, there are many opponents from around the world, from any race has also been keeping a distance with this group.
Members of the group known freemason with civility and kindness in many ways, but it is a behavioral strategy (behavior) them to create sympathy for all.
With polite and courteous behavior and good that it makes people not believe if this group is a satanic group that fahamnya bersebrangan with the Believers are men of religion, any religion.
However, those who enter this group, as long as they are not derivative of Jews (including those in the photos above) they can never tell if they are also liable to be killed because they were just "Goyim".
Freemason members feel they are real human beings, but they are the descendents of monkeys or in their language is "goyim".
Freemasons had become an issue in Malaysia Haji Sulaiman Palestine competing service in UMNO. There are certain leaders sponsored the indictment or a Freemason experts to jump up in the hierarchy of the state. The early 1980s again silent on this issue in the trial UMNO.In Malaysia, operates as a Freemason cawangan Loji Great Middle East Region (District Grand Lodges of Middle East or DGLME). DGLME in Rasmi began in Kuala Lumpur on October 20, 1916.
He was called the Middle East in the early period to kerana-19, each of which is located between eastern India excluding the Far East (Hong Kong, China and Japan as) recognized as the Middle East. Only during the period of the 20th, the term refers to the Middle East and Gulf Arab states. Cawangan This however does not change its name kerana mahu familiar with the name and tradition.
DGLME includes an extensive dealer including other airports in this shoreline:
• Singapore: 3 lodges
• Kuala Lumpur: 3 lodges
• Penang: 1 lodges
• lpoh: 1 lodges
• Kuantan: 1 lodges
• Kuching: 2 lodges
• Port Dickson: 1 lodges
• Port Klang: 1 lodges
• Kelantan: 1 lodges
• Taiping: 1 lodges
• Kota Kinabalu: 1 lodges
• Bangkok: 3 lodges
• Pattaya: 1 lodges
• Melaka: 1 logy (source: wikipedia malaysia )
Malaysia Freemasons (Freemason Lodge in Silver):
It has been very clear here, that Malaysia can not afford to be free from the influence of Britain and Europe. The members of the Freemason Jewish goyim, goyim do require the faithful. But whatever their sesetia, keep only the "goyim" which, according to the Jewish freemason Goyim are the monkey and the human form remains liable to be killed.
And according to this ideology, the creatures of the goyim (non Jews) are like a monkey that intangible human and not a sin to kill. Although they entered freemason member though, but they will always be subordinate to those classed, and if necessary one time, also will be destroyed.In this world there are ONLY three major groups, namely:
A. Believers, among those who believe in God, any god of any religion ... and the second which is:
2. Unbelievers, one of those people understand atheism, communism, scientology and the like, who do not believe in supernatural beings or astral, do not believe in God and not believe in religion and did not believe in Satan, and the last group are:
3. Satanism, are among those who believe in the power and truth of the devil and the like that will help them and justifies any means.
The first group (Believers) are always being attacked by two parties who lainnyakarena considered "inhibit" the development of both. The first group is considered old-fashioned ideology that still recognize the existence of supernatural power in other realms, and the like.
Schools of the Believers considered not proven and the only heritage. By karenannya Believers class is often played off by going into the community and become a spiritual in the group and spread the ideology-ideology "splinter" and make it fragmented into many religions and beliefs.
The second group (unbelievers) is actually a neutral group. Their lives pursuing worldly pleasures and sheer perfection, because they do not believe in life after death (life after death).
Because only the pursuit of worldly interests, then the class of unbelievers is usually a "stooge" of the group of Satanism, alias used. With their presence, the group studied Satanism more difficult because they are only "sit back" course, all of the work program is the class of unbelievers. Also in everyday life, this class of unbelievers deploy outlook on life or "way of life" is far from the norms of civility as group belevers adopted.
The third group (Satanism) or satanic group that governs this is the dominant world for now. And great they are only behind the scenes, almost all of their programs actually run by the unbelievers with memanfaatkanya, a fee of fame, pleasures of the world and of course money.
This satanic group set quite a distance, then the subordinates will follow it and live it. All who lived during this program meneng been running, since thousands of years ago. They are also not a "new class", where they have very long periods and even about the Prophet Nuh (Noah) they already exist. And their existence has so far not so obvious, though not much evidence, but the eyes and hearts we can see it ...
Roughly, the group which would you choose? if you are in first class, now it's time to close ranks with each other together and avoid intrusions from the outside .... just stay focus! (icc.wp.com)
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Other related articles Freemason you MUST read:
A. About the book "The Secret Jacatra" Novel scene: "The Secret Jacatra" The Mystery of The Satanic Symbols in Jakarta and: 2. Freemason early history of schools of Kabbalah: Kabbalah, Freemasonry, Illuminati Roots Movement
In Bali are there any Freemasons or places to meet up please
BalasHapusI am very interested please