The angel trumpet Blown Isrofil Start? The voice sounded strange mystery in Many States
Welcoming the judgment, the Angel Trumpet Trumpet Blown Izrofil Akan 3 Times:
First puff: Nafkhatul faza '(for scary)
Both blasts: Nafkhatul sa'aq (off)
Three blasts: Nafkhatul ba'ats (to revive)
Both blasts: Nafkhatul sa'aq (off)
Three blasts: Nafkhatul ba'ats (to revive)
"A strange voice was heard in several states and cities of the world from mid-2011 to a peak in January 2012 last month. Even still there until February and possibly in subsequent months. "
This sounds like a sound like kingkong voice or sound like a big trumpet being blown. This sounds very mysterious, because of unknown origin and was heard in many places on earth.
Some witnesses heard a strange sound as coming from the Earth, but some are thinking it sounds strange coming from heaven. Exactly no one who knows for sure where it came from a strange voice, the mysterious and sinister.
One example of a voice that was heard in Vancouver, Canada
This is not just a mysterious voice was heard in several cities, but
also heard in many places in the corners of the countries in the world. Here's some video from the Youtube link is successfully recorded by the witnesses in European countries such as in Barcelona Spain , Belgium , Holland , Latvia Riga , Reykjavik Iceland , Denmark , Budapest Hungary , Norway , Poland , Arta and Thessaloniki Greece , also Kiev in Ukraine and Czechoslovakia to Russia , but also including the island nations like the UK is in London , West Midlands , Nottingham and Glasgow Scotland and also in Ireland .
Besides in these countries, the sound is also heard in several cities in North America is in America itself as Chicago , Houston Texas , Philadelphia , Venice Florida , Las Vegas , New York and Los Angeles up to Oahu, Hawaii .
Also in Canada as in New Foundland , Vancouver , Edmonton , Conklin Alberta , Manitoba and Montreal and Saskatoon Saskatchewan Canada , other than that mysterious voice is heard in Mexico .
Not only that, the mysterious voice was also heard in South America (Latin) as in Curitiba Brazil , Chile and also in Acosta, Costa Rica .
Even the mysterious and strange voices are also heard in the southern hemisphere of Earth, which is in New Zealand and Australia as in Melbourne .
Some Theory
According to some researchers that the strange noises in the sky being created by "hydro fracturing", ie bursts of rock or vent high pressure gas trapped deep within the Earth as a result of drilling into the ground.
Any such matters must be pointed out that it can generate noise, but it seems hard to believe that events like that are responsible for all the dozens of incidents that had terrekam by dozens of videos on youtube and of the entire planet.
Earthquakes are one of the most prominent theories, which causes strange noises.
We seem to be having a period where the earth's crust will become increasingly unstable.
Many believe that we will soon see some changes in the earth that has never happened before.
May also have something to do with the sound of this earth's magnetic field shift effect. = Could be that the theory is far more realistic than all the people think.
As a result of the shift generating sounds weird sub-sonic derived from the Earth's crust. Indeed, sub-sonic sound is not audible, but the sound is probably not entirely unheard by humans. Some very strange things have happened in Earth's magnetic field lately. (Read: [Alert] Pole Shifts: North and South Pole Weather Anomaly Akibatkan Moderate Switching )
UFO (unidentified flying object and the Unknown)
Certainly one of the most popular theory is that UFO that causes strange noises. For the case of UFO inni is a large size (mothership).
Some UFO researchers have suggested that many people not only hear strange noises in their ears, but the voice sounds too lived "in their heads" afterwards. So there may be a paranormal element to these strange noises.
During most of these events yet there was something unusual in the sky, but some UFO researchers have suggested that we can not see the UFO as strange noises were made by "UFO in disguise" (UFO cloaking).
Investigations Program High Frequency Active Aurora High Frequency Active Auroral or Research Program (HAARP)
Another theory is very popular among fans of conspiracy theories, is that these sounds are created by HAARP. This may explain why strange noise is heard all over this planet.
HAARP can remove low frequency and high into the atmosphere and can bounce back to Earth.
HAARP was originally created for the purpose of mining geology to find oil or Earth. But it can also lead to "artificial earthquake".
Eventually the technology was developed by the military. But further development of sophisticated weaponry "invisible" can be "weather control" because of its ability to affect the atmosphere and create clouds, rain and even control the weather can make an earthquake. (Read: crazy! Sophisticated Weapon HAARP, Mind Set, Earthquake and the World Climate! Including Earthquake and Tsunami in Indonesia! )
The angel trumpet Isrofil and Mayan Doomsday Forecast
Some people wonder whether this fact means that we are getting closer to the end of the Mayan calendar end of the world is this world?
Until there are many who think that this is the sound of a trumpet sound preparation for the Day of Resurrection.
Solar Storm (Storm Sun)
Besarsuara possibility resulting from the storm the sun because it is in the final moments of 2011 was no indication of frequent solar storms.
Solar storms initially created as a result of bursts of sun (solar flares) is a large explosion in the atmosphere of the Sun that can release an energy of 6 × 1025 joules. The term is also used for similar phenomena in other stars.
Then the solar storm that was originally created by the burst of sun that emits particles of solar or Solar Energetic Particle (SEP) from the Earth toward the sun, called coronal mass burst or Coronal Mass Ejection (CME).
When the wave reaches the Earth's atmosphere, the outermost layer of
Earth's atmosphere would anticipate the "holding" of electromagnetic
waves from the sun, and some will terterik to the north and south poles
are visible as Aurora.
If the power is so great burst of solar masses, then the northern part of the second pole will "suck up" the particles and create a geomagnetic storm .
The result will appear, called Aurora. Both are in the polar aurora, the Aurora Borealis dibelahan Arctic / Arctic, and the Aurora Australis dibelahan south pole / Antarctica.
And when the particle touches the ionosphere, can result in friction between them and are interested in Earth's magnetic field and gathered in the north and south poles which then form the aurora. However, because of the strong can be also created a sub-sonic frequencies.
Sub-sonic frequency is the frequency which is below human hearing below 22 Hertz. While the limit of human hearing between 22 Hertz (Hz) - 22 kilo Hertz (kHz).
Animated Aurora Borealis dibelahan North Pole / Arctic (courtesy: astronomyphotos)
Until 2012, the more intense solar storm hits earth or often. It is estimated by scientists, that solar storms experienced a peak in 2013.
Solar storms will continue to frequently occur on the day to come, as scientists say solar storms will occur once every 11 years. And the peak is expected in 2013. (Read: Inevitable Solar Storms: Electrical Equipment, Electronic and Internet Connection Paralyzed )
Project Blue Beam
This theory seems the most popular for those who like conspiracy theories updated to the problem. Project is very, very secret because it is done by the families of the satanic and his minions throughout the world.
Project Blue Beam is made because they wanted to embrace the Believers around the world in order to blend with any requirement under their leadership, single, in the New World Order.
So the researchers estimate that this conspiracy theory is the phenomenon of the testing or trial for the vote by those who want to rule the world. Because in live project we can also hear the voice of the Prophet Isa AS and Imam Mahdi and Jesus in their respective areas.
And incredibly, the sound without the use of loudspeakers (speakers) because the direct sound can be heard inside our heads! Wow!! (Read: non-Agamais splashy Project "Blue Beam", Scenario Alien & Mahdi towards the New World and see the video there). (
Strange Sounds Worldwide: 7 Trumpets of Revelation?
After "World Sounds" Will Come "Holograms"
ITN News
Qur'anic verses about the Rapture:
And (remember) the day (when) the trumpet is blown, it was troubled, everything in heaven and everything on earth except whom Allah. And all of them came to him with humility.
And ditiuplah trumpet, and there died who is in heaven and on earth except whom Allah. Then the trumpets sounded again and behold them standing waiting (decision, respectively).
كل من عليها فان 26. Kullu man 'alayh aa aa f n in
Everything on earth will perish.
ويبقى وجه ربك ذو الجلال والإكرام
27. wayabq wajhu rabbika dz aa uu a ljal li wa aa a aa m l i-IKR
And keep eternal Essence of your Lord who has greatness and glory.
Doomsday and virulence could not be imagined. On the Day of Resurrection like a termite termite men scattered. And the mountains in the URLs like feathers scattered. And crushed lantah as listed in Surah Al Qariah 1-5 القارعة
A. ALQ tu aa ri'a
Judgment Day
ما القارعة
2. m aa a aa LQ ri'a tu
Judgment day is it?
وما أدراك ما القارعة
3. wam adr aa aa aa a ka m LQ tu aa ri'a
Do you know what the Day of Judgment is?
يوم يكون الناس كالفراش المبثوث
4. yawma yakuunu su al nn aa aa ka a lfar syi a lmabtsuuts i
On the day that humans are like termites that are scattered,
وتكون الجبال كالعهن المنفوش
5. watakuunu a ljib aa ka a l'lu ihni a lmanfuusy i
and the mountains are like a feather being squandered.
إذا رجت الأرض رجا 4. i dzaa rujjati a l-u ar dh rajj aa n
When the earth is shaken violently sedahsyat-,
وبست الجبال بسا
5. wabussati a ljib lu aa aa n bass
and the mountains are destroyed luluhkan seluluh-luluhnya,
فكانت هباء منبثا
6. fak hab nat aa aa aa n's munbatsts
then so be it flying debris,
But when it happens is a mystery of God. And no man knows it. This according to the Word of God Almighty in the
يسألونك عن الساعة أيان مرساها قل إنما علمها عند ربي ل ا يجليها لوقتها
إلا هو ثقلت في السماوات والأرض لا تأتيكم إل ا بغتة يسألونك كأنك حفي عنها
قل إنما علمها عند الله ولكن أكثر الناس لا يعلمون 187. yas-aluunaka 'ani al ss aa' ati Murs ayy na aa aa aa h aa innam Qul 'ilmuh aa' inda l Rabbee yujalliih aa aa aa liwaqtih aa ill huwa al Ssam tsaqulat fii ti wa aa aa w a l-ar ta il dh aa / aa baghtatan tiikum yas ill-ka-Annaka aluunaka h afiyyun 'anh Qul innam aa aa' aa ilmuh 'inda al l hi wal aa aa aa nn al Kinna aktsara the l aa ya'lamuun a
They ask thee about the Hour: "When will it happen?" Say: "Verily the knowledge of Reality is in the Lord; no one can explain the time of arrival other than Him. Reality is very heavy (civil haranya for the creatures) in the heavens and the earth. Judgment will not come to you but with a sudden ". They ask you as if you really know it. Say: "Verily the knowledge of nautical apocalypse is at hand of God, but most people do not know".
Wallohu a'lamu ...
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