Real Facts Of Bermuda Triangle Mystery
Marine areas in the southern United States with vertex Miami (in Florida), Puerto Rico (Jamaica), and Bermuda, it has been for centuries save the story unresolved. Mystery by mystery even been noted by Christopher Columbus kinds ocean wanderers.Around 1492, when he will put an end to journey toward the new world, America, Columbus had witnessed a strange phenomenon in this region. In the midst of a strange sea, the compass needle in the vessel several times vary. Though the weather was so good.
More than that, not far from the ship, one night the crew suddenly struck with the appearance of balls of fire that just plunge into the sea. They also saw streaks of light from the horizon and then disappear.
That's the Bermuda Triangle. In this region, the sixth sense is like a haunted 'atmosphere' which is unusual. But once the group Columbus is relatively lucky, because it only treated to 'show'. Unlike with the other crossers.
According to the maritime, the biggest event that ever occurred in this region is the disappearance of a British-flagged ship, Atalanta, in 1880. Without the slightest trace of the ship carrying three hundred cadets and officers of the Royal Navy's missing there. In addition to Atalanta, the Bermuda Triangle has claimed hundreds of ships.
Grumman TBF Avenger five U.S. Navy who is better known as "Flight 19" is missing in the Bermuda triangle
The biggest events unfolding around 1990 and then later the disappearance of a convoy of five Grumman TBF Avenger U.S. Navy who is better known as "Flight 19" on patrol across this sea area during the day December 5, 1945.
After about two hours flight flight commander reported that he and his men as disoriented.
A few minutes later it was the fifth TBF Avenger were lost without a chance to give an SOS signal. Surprisingly, the mystery Avenger endless there.
When a SAR aircraft types Martin PBM-3 Mariner sent looking for him, thirteen seaplanes fat with this crew was part of it disappeared. Disappeared like air swallowed.
Martin PBM-3 Mariner, who was assigned to find "Flight 19" was also lost in the Bermuda triangle
Miraculous ... The years passed. Around 1990, without warning a researcher managed to find a pile of airframe off the coast of Fort Launderdale, Florida. How shocked people are watching. Because, when matched it, piles of metal that was part of five TBF Avenger!
C-119 Flying Boxcar, lost in the Bermuda triangle
Aircraft with 10 crew was flying into the Airport Grand Turk, Bahamas, and is expected to land at 11:23.
This plane is nearly completed its journey. It is known from radio contact is still there until around 11. Surely there was nothing suspicious. Technical defects also never reported. Boxcar but never reached the goal.
"In the last radio contact there was no indication of anything that the plane was having problems. But after that we lost him, "so said a spokesman for Miami Beach Rescue. "It is probable that the aircraft suffered control problems (steering trouble) to stray into another direction," he added.
Immediately rescue team also flew sweeps an area of 100,000 square miles of territory which is thought to be where stranded C-119. But the results are really nil. Just as the loss of other planes in this region, none of the aircraft debris or human body is found.
"It's really weird. A plane flying to the Bahamas and south just disappear without a trace, "commented a veteran pilot of World War II.
Someone from the SAR team said the chances of the plane falling between Crooked Island and Grand Turk. Could be due to structural problems, an explosion, or damage to the engine. If it was a plane exploding, radio contact was definitely not going to happen, but we should be able to find pieces of shrapnel.
Similarly, if the plane was damaged, the pilot should be able to do the ditching (emergency landing on water). Because the weather was in good condition. In the sense of a clear sky, the waves just a few feet, and only 15 knots of wind. Further analysis is expanding everywhere.
But still did not produce anything. Case C-119 Flying Boxcar was hidden away, until finally in 1973 published an article from the International UFO Bureau recalled a number of people in the case of magic. In this article published testimony Gemini IV astronaut, James McDivitt and Edward H. White II, which actually makes the problem worse.
It seems at times around the disappearance of C-119, he happened to observe the region around the Caribbean. Gemini's happened is there dreamily. According to NASA, at 3 to June 7, 1965 both were conducting experiments to the streets outside the Gemini capsule with an undisclosed equipment.
According Divitt, he saw an unidentified aircraft (UFO) with some sort of mechanical arm was found to glide over the Caribbean. A few minutes later Ed White also witnessed other similar objects. Since that is then spread rumors, C-119 UFO abducted. The scientists were immediately interested in testing this testimony.
Do not want to believe it, they confirmed the object seen by the two astronauts satellites located around the Gemini IV. Probably not you see that they are wrong? Understandably then (until now was), many people still consider sektis to the presence of UFOs. When was the second astronaut Pegasus 2 presented with an image, which does have a giant satellite antennas similar to the arm along the 32 meter and a number of satellite junk around it.
However, both of form and space, they argue it has been mistaken. "Once again I reiterate, citing UFO 'means I'm not pointing the spacecraft from another planet. UFO very universal sense. That if I see a plane in my judgment I do not know, is not worth it if I call it a UFO? "Said Divitt.
That was the case of C-119 Flying Boxcar is never solved until now. Among the ship or aircraft which disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle is always the same story. Occurs when the weather is good, no technical problems, running regular radio contact, but the crossing of a sudden disappeared. Without a trace at all.
Many theories then linked with the events there. Some call time bending theory, the gravitational field upside down, abrasion atmosphere, and there is also the theory of magnetic-gravity anomaly.
There was also an associate with the phenomenon gampa sea, tidal wave attack, until the black hole (black-hole) that only occurs in outer space there. Analysis was weird, but still nothing that could explain it.
Recent investigations
Bermuda triangle in a TV program Discovery & National Geographic in
2011 have investigated the occurrence of a mechanical problem,
compasses and other navigational tools because of the local magnetic
power (not the magnetic poles) resulting from the lower crust in the
area. This new evidence has been examined by experts with satellite imagery of the area.
Then the experts along with experienced pilots and the surrounding area
is also evident that the navigation tools in the cockpit changed and
disturbed. Because today's increasingly sophisticated technology, it can also be monitored via satellite. Of satellite imagery with infra red, ultra violet & others who monitor the area has been shown that in the earth's crust in the area there are swirls of hot lava which produces electromagnetic waves to penetrate to the outer surface of the earth.
Eddies in the form of hot molten lava inside the crust of the earth spins like a hurricane or Thypoon a very large diameter and occur beneath the earth's crust.
Earth Magnetic Field
Fluid lava below the Earth's mantle has a pressure and heat are different.
The fluid also has a "flow" and can spin like if we just boil the water.
Motion of lava flows that are swirling magnetic field was also raised.
The resulting magnetic field can cause electromagnetic waves and can affect the natural surroundings to the upper crust of the earth / the Earth's surface and make a mess and navigation equipment was not functioning perfectly.
As a result of navigational equipment affected by the magnetic field of lava rounds in the Earth's mantle is what ultimately makes navigation equipment disrupted and create destination or route is planned to be intended to change the captain and pilot halauan.
Until now, there is no one who survived (survivors) have been found. Pesawatpun carcass without trace even at all. For that reason, the theory of the local magnetic field due to the rounds of lava in the Earth's crust is not the only one theory.
Theories about the effects of the intervention or influence UFO Geography and climate (natural) and the influence of a magnetic field, is still a few theories of the existence of other theories about the Bermuda Triangle is. During it's not absolutely certain, the mystery is still wide open.
But clearly in recent decades, accidents very rarely occur even practically nothing. If this be because of another conspiracy especially outside the domain of science, for example because it involves aliens, UFOs, evil sea creatures, even supernatural beings or even methane gas, accidents will definitely continue to happen until today.
Why in recent decades there was no significant accidents in bermuda triangle? The reason is because in today's aircraft and ships no longer just use the compass directions only. But at present all the transport is already using the navigation system GPS (Global Positioning System) which is guided by at least 3 pieces of the satellite.
That is why the cardinal directions North, South, East and West would be more accurate and will not affect the magnetic field or whatever it is. (Source:, Bermuda Triangle on National Geographic TV Channel)
Several vessels were lost in the Bermuda Triangle:
USS Cyclops (AC-4) lost in 4 March 1918 en route from Barbados to Baltimore. No traces are left behind. The ship and its crew and passengers are numbered 306 people vanished. This is the greatest loss of life in the history of the U.S. Navy, was not the outcome of the battle.
USS Nereus (AC-10) was a U.S. Navy ship during World War i. his name is taken from the Sea-God in the mythology of Greece 00 Nereus. Missing about 10 December 1941, en route to Portland, Maine from St. Thimas in the Virgin Island. As many as 61 crews participated were lost. Interestingly, Nereus was lost on the same route with the USS Proteus That disappeared earlier.
USS Proteus (AC-9) is a Navy ships into merchant ships. No clear News newspaper since 23 November 1941.
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